In the beginning of July, Wargames Atlantic introduced the world to a werewolf box, with 20 hard plastic 28mm werewolves. As this is something you rarely see in these amounts and then even multi part, I was excited for them. 20 of them might seem a lot, but this is not the question here. The real question here, is of how YOU should adapt to use all 20 of them at the same time.

Wargames Atlantic

As you might tell, I’m pretty enthusiastic about the Wargames Atlantic werewolves kit. As a kid I was already excited by the fact that there was some form of fantasy land or world that had people changing into wolves when the moon is full. What’s not to love about that! But these are different. Not a lot, but just enough to make them even more unique than the sheer number of them in one box.

Unboxing the Werewolves kit

Upon first opening you see 5 of the same sprues. Each about 10 x 15 cm in size. On the sprue, there are 4 different posed bodies, one howling, one preying and two upright walking forward. We find 6 heads, with 2 having an open mouth and 4 closed, looking the same, but with small distinct features. Where this kit shines, is with the arms. There is a whopping 7 pairs of arms to fill up the rest of the sprue, topped off with 4 tails.

Building the Wargames Atlantic Werewolves kit

As one might have guessed, this kit contains a lot of different parts to make a bunch of them howlers. The legs and torso are one part, you just need a right and left arm, a head and the tail. Chose them or just do like I did. Surprise yourself with just taking a sprue, cutting the right amount of parts and start glueing.

wargames atlantic

This is also one of the positives about this kit. Whatever part you use, if you use the parts as intended, you cannot make mistakes. Surprises ahead and no matter what you do to the werewolves, they end up cool looking.

Looking at the separate parts, only the kneeled down wolf did have a bit of flash. Luckily for me, just the legs had some, and I was done fairly quick. It could be that the mould the wolves are made with is still fairly new, or that the guys at Wargames Atlantic really know what they are doing. Not a lot of cleaning was needed and that made me move on to the next part of the kit, glueing. The 4 test models I made here were glued in about 15 minutes and man do they look good!

Only Positives on the Wargames Atlantic Werewolves kit?

After glueing, I do have to say that glueing the tails on is a bit of a difficult task. It would have been better if there was some form of indentation just above the butt of the wolf. This would have made it easier to stick the tail in. Now either you glue it on the point of the tail or glue the tail in line with the butt. Both look good, nothing about that, but it could have been a bit more clear.

Painting the Wargames Atlantic Werewolves kit

Now here’s a before and after, since at the time of writing this, it’s too late to go out and prime the models. I’m planning on a black prime with a white 45° angle zenithal to have the deeper shades look greyish black and the top of the model white. How about a base coat of grey blue fur, following the box art highlights towards a skin color on the joints, chest and face.

Wargames Atlantic

Now, as one might see on the pic above… the bases weren’t painted and the paint job was a rush job. Nonetheless, it does show that there is huge potential in these little dog men. I spent about 20 minutes painting them per model. Tabletop ready I guess and a good start to build upon when detailing a bit more, like teeth, eyes and more skin color. If I had more time (said no-one ever).

Not the average werewolf

Wargames Atlantic has figured out the human body inside a werewolf. With them basically belonging to the undead, a lot of companies have made them the size of large infantry. As logical as it would be to grow in size, the wolf inside the infected person still has to use the body shape and size to shape-shift. These models are human sized and that makes them just that tad bit more believable. Good on you Wargames Atlantic! Not only have they managed to make a unique model based off of folklore, but also a recognizable hunter of men. The ones you see the most in the movies with lycanthropes.

Using the Wargames Atlantic werewolves in games

I told you before the wolves are a bit small compared to other werewolves in games like Mantic’s Kings of war, where the base of the wolf is 40x40mm, where one would have enough with a 20mm base on these. Since that game leaves heavily on the “rule of cool” and you have enough of them, you could make a “horde”, a “regiment” and a hero unit pack!

For Dungeons and Dragons, I don’t need to answer that. How about the player that wants to be the druid shapeshifter lycanthrope class so bad? He can be it 20 times over!

How about Frostgrave? Sure… they fit perfectly fine in that game too! Dracula’s America, check, and there are many more examples you could use this monstrous value pack of a box with. By searching for this box, there is a big chance you know exactly what I mean!

But the most exciting thing I just found out while reading through Wargames Atlantic’s blogs today, is that there is actual REAL planning behind releasing the kit just now. Have a look at the page for “The Last War”, an alternative World War 1 game, utilizing not only the Werewolf sprue, but their whole Wo1 lineup!

Wargames Atlantic

Should one get a box of Wargames Atlantic Werewolves?

In all honesty, and purely basing it off of the contents of this box, this question should not exist. Any wargamer that does not want a full set of these, is not allowed to call themselves a wargamer! Period! You can get them at the Wargames Atlantic site, and here, on our shop. Not only can you find the werewolves kit, but we support the whole range of awesome Wargames Atlantic products.

Feeling like a bit more reading to take some time off? Check out the other blogs like this one, so have a good read and see you next time on the Bloggotron 5000!

2 thoughts on “Looking at the new Wargames Atlantic Werewolves kit

  1. Lovely set and just what I needed for Silver Bayonet.
    HOWEVER, since my tale bring bring us to mythical Ireland don’t ever shoot or harm a werewolf.
    Over here they are the protectors of children and innocents.

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