First of, if you haven’t read the first part yet, be sure to check it here! It might contain some useful info to better understand what we are talking about in this part.

Because Lindwurm is such a vast place, there, a lot of different races thrive. As you may expect from a skirmish game, not all of them live in peace and harmony. This is why we talk about the different people as Nations. There are a total of six nations in the game.

Today, we want to talk about the Hegemony of Embersig, the Feudom and the Elves of Sÿenann. Two of the nations are human, one is, well… Elves. In the first part, we got to know the backstory of LIndwurm, the world of Warcrow.

We shall dive deeper into this world by introducing you to the first three nations. There are in total six nations to play and collect. So stay tuned to read all about the others that live in LIndwurm. First, let’s take a look at the First three.

Warcrow, The Hegemony of Embersig

Not only half of the Battlebox coming out to pre-order in July, but they also control the largest part of Lindwurm. Their lands dwarfing even the strongest of old empires. It’s split into eight provinces, which go all the way back to the old kingdoms from where the Hegemony was born out of. They are the descendants of the Seven Tribes of Maghar horsemen, who originally came from the bay of horses. It was these which united in common cause to form the seed of the Hegemony that we know of today.

As it still is a relative new power in the world of Lindwurm, it thrives through development and enlightened attitudes. Aspiring to a better life within the land. Whilst other cultures remain quite segregated, the Hegemony includes humans, Aestari Elves, Ghent dwarves, each taking its place within a society which benefits from their strengths and distinctiveness.

The Dwarves bring technical stuff like engineering, banking and management skills to make it work. The Elves are the scholars, wizards, teachers and advisors in the hegemony. Last but not least, we have the humans who do the rest and excel in soldiering, in the form of the Black Legion.

A force to be reckoned with, led by experienced officers called Hetmen and with a clear defined doctrine, the Black Legion is a force not to laugh at when it’s against you.

One of the greatest leaders is Dragoslav the Anvil, hetman of the Black Legion. He lost an eye tot a Varank Marauder, now deployed to the North, he leads the counteroffensive to push the Northern Tribes from the Hegemony Territory once and for all!

The Feudom

There is another power that stands on the feet of humans in Lindwurm, the Feudom. Heirs of a legendary past, for over a thousand years this great empire stood. Born when the Elvish empire of Gae Assail fell, shattered by civil war between the Radiant and Dark Minded Elves.

Gae Assail was home to more than just elves. One of the most common people within the lands were the human Widtha. This people succeeded in unifying the war-torn lands, forming the foundation of what eventually would become the Feudom.

The citizens still honor their forefathers’ traditions, including their fate in the Moon Goddesses, Selas and Losna. It is this history, which sees the people of the Feudom scour their lands to rescue the relics of these Moon Goddesses, no matter who stands in their way.

This is also why the grand cathedral of Selas and Lorna in the capital Havraincourt is a center of hope and prayer for pilgrims across the nation… Of course, these pilgrims will be suitably taxed as a form of income to keep the gears turning.

As for protection, the Feudom specializes in elite troops, like the griffon riding Mist Guard. They keep the people and most importantly, the relics safe from harm.

As the story of Warcrow begins for us players, they are being tested. Northern Tribes wreak havoc in the north, whilst in the duchy of Os Macros, the Embersigians threaten with further expansion.

Because It would be easy without a sworn enemy, there are The descendants of Gae Assail survivors, the Sÿenann elves, spent much of their time cowering away in their magical forests, but are organizing raids to terrorize the Feudom any way they can.

The Elves

Many of these elves come from the Army of Radiance, who were the survivors and victors of the Gae Assail civil war. After the war, they moved into the Great Forest to become the protectors of these magical woods, known as the Nine Lineages, as one nation, one common culture.

Of course, where there are light elves, we have the dark ones as well and the Sÿenann, can feel their presence in the fog. The Dark Minded, thought long destroyed in the Gae Assail war, followers of the Dark Doctrine, push their magic beyond the bounds of nature. They have Unholy, corrupted ideas with the aim to achieve ultimate power and immortality.

Since with the power of magic rising, the return of these elves is imminent and the Sÿenann stand ready to take on these lunatics head on. The Dark Minded are without any hesitation the deadliest in all of Lindwurm and will be a threat to anyone who will oppose them.

Conclusion and on to part 3

So, these are the first three nations of Warcrow. Are you ready to step beyond these three unto the next iteration of this series? If so, see you there. For now, happy anticipating Warcrow! And if you really can’t wait, why not already reserve your copy of Warcrow on our shop? Just be careful to read the instructions!

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