Yeah, I fell for it and took a complete set of the Warpaints Fanatic range! A total of 261 new colors, washes and specialty paints. I do have to say that I was more than tired of my own heap of “stuff” I got used to calling paints. There’s some Liquidtex, some GW, some Vallejo, Scale75, MSP and some that I don’t remember anymore. All in all, a nice heap of inconsistency, that never did what I wanted it to do.

Army Painter Warpaints

The older range of Warpaints was, in all honesty, not really good. Given that half of the people using them actually never read instructions and ended up with too much medium in the pot. On the old range, there was a layer of medium to prevent the pots from drying out. We all mixed that in, but still after pouring out the medium, the range was not really good.

The Contrast/ Speedpaint Hype

Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0

Then came the titan Games Workshop (or rather Citadel) with a new paint range, that took the world by storm. Contrast is now one of the most used paints and fortunately, the quality of paintwork went down. This is a personal opinion of course and there are some superb painters out there that can work with Contrast like it is normal paint. For me, it’s a waste of money in more than one way. It kind of degraded the effort put in the models to punch them on the play table.

Soon after, the other brands followed with numerous other names than Contrast. Army Painter used Speedpaint. Same product, but every company said it revolutionized the way you paint. That is true, It went from good to bad.

Warpaints Fanatic

Like a fresh breeze of normal paint scent (wonderful smell), there came the announcement of the Warpaints Fanatic range. The replacement of the normal paint range Army Painter had. Guess what. I would revolutionize the painting world…

… difference is, it actually did…

Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic

I have been painting with the newly obtained set for about a couple of weeks now and have to say, this is one of the best paint ranges I have worked with to date. As you read above, i tried a lot of brands and this simply does the trick. It makes you paint better, with the same effort as before.

Warpaints Fanatic has more pigment

About 4-700x more even and this shows in the way you paint. Yes, I do have to say I had to learn to “read” the paints a bit, since they were even thicker than my mother-in-law’s behind, but (pun, yes) this actually is a good thing (instead of looking at that behind every visit, insert yo mama jokes here). You can almost endlessly thin the paints and even make washes out of them with water. You don’t actually have to use the medium included in the range. Pretty confident it will give a more decent result, but I haven’t gotten to that yet.

Longer drying times

Never do you get a con that is a pro! This time, the fanatic range manages to do just that. What i mean with this, is that the paint does dry fairly fast, but not fast enough to have you get the other paint and have it blend in with the previous layer. Even for people that are fairly new to the paint hobby, there is – with some effort – a good chance you are blending in a couple of sessions.

When painting whole units, depending on the size of course, you might need to wait a bit longer for a wash to dry, or a color to gully harden, but a coffee break after each color is nothing we ever died of, right?

The paint sets available

At the moment, they have the smaller sets and the mega set. The one I’m talking about here is the complete set that had everything, but is not available anymore. The paints of course are, but in different sets.

– The mega set has 50 paints of which there are 36 colors, 4 skin tones, 3 metallics, 3 specials and 4 washes.
– The starter set has 11 paints of which there are 7 colors, a primer, a wash and 2 metallics
– The metallics set has 10 metallics, and
– The washes set has 10 washes

For not a lot of money, you will have a lot of paints. The creative souls among us, can mix every color that they need. This means you don’t need a lot of colors to have great results. Consistency wise, it’s good to have the exact color to paint with, since you have a pot full of it to use over your whole army.

Do I advise the Warpaints Fanatic range?

Bloody hell yes! Like I said before, this completely changed the way I paint and yes, it took some learning again. This truly shows that skill is connected to the tools you have. Bad tools keep the skill low, better ones make you get better skills. Want to try them out for yourself? You can get them cheap in our store, and start painting in no-time! Heck! Show us your painted minis here in the replies!

For now, adios and see you in the next blog! For now, interested in more things hobby? Check out the rest of our blogs then!

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