There is no time but today to talk about the other scale in wargaming. The One that seems to take an upwards motion in popularity and that are the Epic Scale Wargames. What better time to start talking about in my eyes 4 of the best wargames to check out. This is especially true if you want something else than Bolt-action, Warhammer and what not.
In this blog we discuss what we find the coolest small scale or Epic Scale wargames. We are counting down, starting with number 4 in the list.
4. Warpath
Warpath has always had rules, but what never really consistent. Therefor it could never find its place in the hearts of wargamers. It felt as if it missed something. Warpath started out as a Warhammer like clone and ended up being renamed to Firefight. Still… Warpath itched with Mantic.
The Kickstarter had launched with great success, and it seems that Mantic has finally found its place with Warpath. Warpath has announced 6 full-fledged armies to start the game with. We do suspect that Warpath does not release everything all at once. It should hit the shelves somewhere next year. This is the only reason it stands last on this list.
3. Armored Clash.
This new wargame, due to come out in the middle of summer, is one that will certainly get some attention. Massive tanks, huge chunks of plastic and resin and (possibly fully) interchangeable weaponry and such. The only reason this is on spot 3, is that there is still a lot of speculation about the game, since the first demos on UKGE. We know it’s coming, we know it will be awesome, we know it will contain the same factions of DW, and we know it will be different in scale, as DW is 1:1200, and Armored Clash is 1:160 or 10 mm scale. This is also the only reason DW is not on the list. Armored Clash is one to look out for.
2. Legions Imperialis.
This is one of these bangers that literally crashed on and crashed the market, but due to unavailability of expansions, higher pricing of complete armies and overall Games Workshop mentality, that seemed to ruin the game for some players. Don’t let that scare you, because the quality of rules, models and size of the starter make up for more of the flaws than we could have hoped for. The pricing of course, is nowhere a flaw, but a design that Games Workshop has. If you are willing to pay the price, you have one of the better small scale games one can have.
1. Argatoria
This little (literally) GEM from Spellcrow is an absolute must if you want to have some really cool fantasy action going on the table. The size of the table for Argatoria is still 6 x 4 ft (180 x 120 cm) and there are a lot of units doing battle on the table. With easy to follow rules and insanely pretty hand sculpted models, you have one of the best looking games in Epic scale you can find. Why is this gem still not massively discovered? Well, for starters, it was mostly Polish, with just recently being translated in more languages.
Not only that, but Argatoria has a really fast-growing fan base and is growing almost daily. Yes, the team at Spellcrow post daily new models they are working on, once again all being hand sculpted.
Apart from Argatoria being traditional deep fantasy and playing in the Barbarian Sword and Sorcery age, there are a lot of priests on the field, but almost no real magic and that is a breath of fresh air these days, as intricate magic systems tend to slow down a game to, sometimes, a complete halt. You have prayers that buff certain units if you try to pray with certain units and that’s it. There are “magic” spells, but you can only use it once per game.
Check out our previous post on our love for this game and get your hands on a copy of a starter box, which is only 15x10x2 cm big, with an equal small price for a starter!
Honorable mentions
Of course there is the Commander games, which should get some more love from everyone. Their fan base is pretty zealous about the game, and it seems to be quite the banger too. Reason why we haven’t mentioned either one of the games, is that I simply don’t know enough about them to start talking about them. I do have to say that what I have seen about the games, they are pretty nice when talking about the models.
Do you want more about these honorable mentions, let me know as I am happy to dive in one of these games as well, so I actually know what I’m talking about.
For now, don’t forget to check out at least Argatoria in the shop and stay tuned for another fun little blog from Chadroach here at the Bloggotron 5000!