Wargames Atlantic have been spewing out a lot of boxed sets the past few years. There is rarely a dull box in the releases Guaranteed this British Expeditionary Forces Box is not one of them. First, let us have a look at whom the BEF were.
British Expeditionary Forces History
The British Expeditionary forces originated in the army reform of 1908. It had a size of 6 divisions and 1 cavalry division. 4 of these divisions were expedited to France early WWII to protect France and Belgium from the Germans. Due to the loss of France, the British were sent back to Britain, who then again were sent into different battlefields of WO II. One of the best known retreats after the loss of France was that of Dunkirk. They not only suffered heavy losses, but also made it by the hair on their teeth back to the homeland.
Wargames Atlantic British Expeditionary Forces
This British Expeditionary Forces came to life via their Vox Populi system. It’s a system that lets the buyer choose the next set that has to go in production.
In the Box are 30 multipart hard plastic miniatures that you can build in a manner of ways. You can build these little shootie men as BEF or home Guard Troops and there are a variety of bodies, heads, arms and even more guns in the set, so you can do with never having a duplicate if you play the gluing game well. Do mind that you don’t get any bases with the models, so you have to supply your own.
You can look at the fact there are no bases in two ways. One being the best option and that is the price difference of the boxes. These boxes are around €32.95 and $34.95, which is an awesome fair price for 30 models if you ask me. With bases these would go towards €37.50 to perhaps even €40. The price would go up significantly, since you need 30 bases if you have 30 models.
The BEF box stands for insane production quality
I have opened a fair amount of these Wargames Atlantic box sets from different lines. All of them are insane in quality and can make many hobbyists ignite a need for more boxes, with me being one of them. One of the first things you see when you open a box, no matter which box it is, there is almost no flash visible on the models. Even after searching a bit for some, you have trouble finding some.
If you are starting a new army with one of these boxes, you can’t just buy one, but need a couple of them, at least for a bigger division. This is the positive curse of the Wargames Atlantic Boxed sets. You can’t stop with just one.
Loads of compatibility with this Wargames Atlantic BEF
There are a lot of wargames these days and a great deal of them play in the world wars. Not a great lot are in the First, but the second world war seems to be a target for a lot of rulesets. Whatever one you are playing, there is always a ruleset that has British soldiers in them. This box is great for that.
Not only these real life (!) rulesets can be used with the box, but also the Imagi-nations ruleset would do really well as it is stated on the back of this British Expeditionary Forces box.
Scifi aswell as fantasy would not be such a great option, as is fantasy. Can’t imagine them next to a horde of skeleton warriors… Zombies, is a different thing… Hey Wargames Atlantic, why the hell haven’t we got zombies yet? I guess it’s another story for another time, right?
Should you buy this British Expeditionary Forces Box?
Well, that depends on what you answered for yourself above. I could think that when you play Wargames, specifically in World War II, and if you need Brits then you are at home with one of these boxes. I’m saying boxes, because once again, you won’t stop with just one if you see what this box can deliver you.
I had my hands on it, I unpacked it and I built the models you see here in the review, and simply said, I love them. So now the big question, which I will answer with a hard yes. Not only have I never enough plastic, but I also can’t get enough of the Wargames Atlantic sets.
Call me addicted, but you know what they say about model builders and piles of grey. We are immortal as long as the pile of grey remains and this kind of box sets will keep me living for another 100,000 years!
We are planning a series on Wargames Atlantic products. You can find in the Hobby category of our marvellous Bloggotron 5000. If you have the need to live a bit longer, check out our shop here and get your products in to start building your very own Wargames Atlantic British Expeditionary Forces!